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Preparing Your Home For Sale

First Impressions are Lasting
When a buyer gets our of their car, the first thing they see is your landscaping.  Curb appeal is vital.  Your lawn should be trimmed, walkways swept, the front door clean with a doorbell that works.

Decorating for a Quicker Sale
Neutral colors are your best choice.  Stay away from bright colors.  Buyers can visualize painting the room a different color when you have neutral colors.  Bold colors are a turn off to most people.

Let the Sun Shine In!
Open the drapes and curtains during showings.  Clean the windows so that a prospective buyer can see how bright and cheerful your house is.  Dark and dreary rooms do not appeal to most home-buying prospects.

Don't be a Drip
Leaky faucets are a turn-off.  Dripping water can suggest expensive to repair faulty or worn-out plumbing.  Discolored, rust-stained sinks are also warning signs as to the condition of the plumbing.  Clean all sinks and make them sparkle and shine.

Little Things are Major Things
Starting from the front door: loose door knobs or knobs in poor condition, sticking doors and drawers, kitchen cabinet knobs and handles, door hinges that are loose, stuck windows, these are all negative features.  Repair all these items to eliminate the small negative factors.

Safety for Visitors
Keep hallways and stairways clear.  Clutter can be a huge turn-off.  Buyers can't visualize the space and it causes a distraction, is unattractive and can cause accidents.  It just invites everyone to look at your "stuff".

Storage Spaces
The buyers want to see well organized storage spaces to see their full advantage they are getting.  Remove items from the basement, attic, garage and closets.  If possible, rent a short-term storage space.

Make Bathrooms Sparkle
Clean toilets, repair any damaged or disclored caulking around the sinks and shower.  Fill any grout between the tiles.

You are moving soon.  Go ahead and pack items you don't need, e.g. clothing and linens.  Make the closets look bigger by removing items you don't need.  Neat, well-ordered closets show ample space.