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A Buyer is coming for a Showing?

See the Light
Bright and warm homes are inviting give it the "welcome to my home" sign for every prospective buyer.  Turn on all exterior and interior lights, including accept and picture lights.

Go for a Walk
When there is a showing, most buyers don't like to see the homeowners in the home.  Send the kids to the neighbors, go for a walk, find a place you can go while your home is being shown.

Inviting Music
Turn on a radio for soft music providing a comfortable atmosphere.  Remember "keep it soft".

Pets can be a Hassle
Dogs need to be outside or in a place where the prospective buyers will not encounter your pets.

Be Courtious
Potential buyers are not looking to have a conversation with the seller.  They want to see your home and determine if they fits their needs.  They are there to inspect your home, not to be social.

Personal Items and Treasures
If you have any items that will not go with the sale of your home, such as an expensive chandelier, remove it now, or at a minimum put a lable on the item to let the potential buyers know "Sorry this does not stay".